Capsules Prostamin Forte

The drug for prostatitis

Capsules Prostamin Forte
€ 98€ 49

Buy Prostamin Forte

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A unique drug for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis Prostamin Forte can be purchased in Austria only from the official website.

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Prostate - normal and inflamed

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are the most common diseases of the genitourinary system of modern men. Wrong lifestyle, decreased physical activity, environmental degradation and constant stress lead to stagnation and inflammation in the prostate, which is rightly called a man's "second heart". Failures in the functioning of the organ lead to irreversible consequences for human health.

Prostamin Forte capsules - an innovative drug for prostatitis

As men age, the risk of inflammation of the prostate, which is part of the reproductive system, increases. Male health and fertility directly depend on the condition of the prostate. In order for male reproductive cells to be mobile, active, seminal fluid is enriched with nutrients - enzymes, vitamins in the prostate.

Acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate occurs in all age groups. According to the WHO, more than 75% of men of reproductive age have prostate discomfort, and 69% of them have the chronic form of the disease.

Causes of prostatitis

The main symptoms of the development of the disease are pain and discomfort in the groin, frequent urination, decreased potency and quality of sex. Lack of treatment leads to complete impotence, adenoma, infertility, complications and cancer.

Prostamin Forte capsules - a breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis

In the treatment of inflammatory processes of the prostate, an integrated approach is important. The innovative drug Prostamin Forte in capsules is an effective and safe agent for the prevention and treatment of chronic and acute prostatitis. Possessing an immunomodulatory effect, Prostamin Forte has a positive effect on the prostate, relieves swelling of the gland, relieves pain and problems with frequent urination. The drug stimulates the immune system to fight against pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the prostate, improves potency. Prostamin Forte promotes the normalization of blood flow in the prostate area, which promotes the accelerated elimination of toxins caused by inflammatory processes and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Benefits of Prostamin Forte

The drug in capsules has a cumulative effect - taking the course completely eliminates the symptoms of the disease, improves a man's quality of life and gives self-confidence.

Prostamin Forte contains only natural ingredients

  • Saw Palmetto Fruit Extract in Prostamin FortePalmetto fruit extract - a component with high biological activity, it increases testosterone levels, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effect. It has a positive effect on the condition of the prostate, stops hyperplastic processes.
  • Pumpkin Seed Powder in Prostamin FortePumpkin seed powder - pumpkin flour, rich in vitamins and mineral complexes, has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the prostate, nourishing it with useful substances. The component has an antitumor, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Promotes strengthening of blood vessels, elimination of toxins.
  • Blueberry Extract in Prostamin ForteBlueberry extract - a concentrated extract of the fruit helps to normalize the metabolic processes in the prostate, improves the body's resistance, has a calming effect, reduces the swelling of the gland, so that the frequent urge to urinate disappears.
  • Gotu Kola with Prostamin ForteGotu Kola Extract - the proven antiviral and antiparasitic effect of the component has a complex effect on prostate health, helps in the treatment of adenoma, eliminates swelling, relieves pain and normalizes gland functions. Improves spermatogenesis.
  • Shiitaki Mushroom Powder Capsules Prostamin ForteShitaki mushroom powder is a source of essential amino acids, B-complex vitamins. Bioactive substances are involved in tissue regeneration processes, help to clean smooth muscles of atypical cells and have antitumor and anticancer effects. The powder is an immunomodulator.
  • Reishi Mushroom Extract Capsules Prostamin ForteReishi mushroom extract - an antimicrobial component involved in the regeneration and rejuvenation of prostate cells, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, which contributes to the antioxidant effect, relieving edema and restoring gland functions.
  • Pomegranate seed infusion as part of Prostamin FortePomegranate seed infusion - has a beneficial effect on sexual function, cleanses the blood, removes the products of inflammation from the prostate tissue, activates enzyme production and restores reproductive function.
  • Studies of the effectiveness of the drug proved that the unique combination of natural components Prostamin Forte in 100% of cases has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate.

    2. 500 volunteers aged between 18 and 65 years, who participated in clinical trials and consumption tests, observed that the drug improves general health, quality of life, relieves chronic and acute forms of prostatitis, adenoma and other diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system.

    Signs of prostate adenoma and prostatitis

    Symptoms prostatitis adenoma

    Temperature increase

    yea No

    flu syndrome

    yea No

    weakening of potency

    yea yea


    Disturbing in the acute form

    Express in 2-3 stages

    urinary disorder

    pronounced in the acute form

    always worry


    in the chronic form

    In the later stages


    signs of inflammation

    gland enlargement

    Experiencing at least one symptom? Don't postpone treatment and prevention!

    Now you can buy the original medicine for the treatment of prostatitis Prostamin Forte in Austria at a low price - just € 49 per course! To buy a 100% natural remedy, you must order it on the official website (Austria).

    Doctor's review

    Doctor urologist Tobias Tobias
    37 years
    I recommend to my patients for the treatment of prostatitis and prevention of adenoma the safe and effective drug Prostamin Forte in capsules. The remedy proved to be positive, it is recommended for consultation in Austria. Patients who took the capsules as instructed have noticed an improvement in their condition, disappearance of groin pain and normalization of urination.